Is pumpkin is good for diabetes?

Is pumpkin is good for diabetes?
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Diabetes is a complicated disease; this is commonly referred to as the silent killer. When the blood sugar levels are not under control, various other associated problems may arise. The food intake for a diabetic patient is very important.

Processed food should be avoided as much as possible; natural food is the best to stick to. Lentils, broccoli, salmon, chia seeds and sardines are a few of the food that can be added to the diet of a diabetic patient.

Is pumpkin good for diabetics? This is a serious question asked by many diabetic patients. The happy news is that pumpkin, which belongs to the cucurbitaceae family, is one of the best foods for diabetic patients. This family also includes cucumbers, melons and squash. There are various ways in cooking the pumpkin. When it is ripe it can be steamed, baked, boiled and roasted. Pumpkin is also famous in the mashed form.

Is pumpkin is good for diabetes?
Is pumpkin is good for diabetes?

They are also edible as soups, pies and purees. These different forms of cooking will help it make it an easy ingredient for a diabetic patient. The pumpkin flesh is rich in Vitamin A and C, potassium, folic acid and protein and the pumpkin seeds are rich in iron and unsaturated fats. There are various reasons as to why pumpkin benefits in diabetes. A few of the reasons are mentioned below.


Rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C is basically used to control the diabetes mellitus; this is done by simulating insulin in a diabetic patient. Vitamin C is a good source for simulating insulin in the body and when administered orally this can help control diabetes. Therefore, because of its very high vitamin C content, we can easily answer ‘yes’ to the question is pumpkin good for diabetics.

Iron and Unsaturated Fats
The pumpkin seeds are rich in iron and unsaturated fats that are good for heart health as well. This is another reason why pumpkin benefits in diabetes. Having a limited portion is the key to this. This can be eaten as a crunchy snack or in a salad. If you wonder is pumpkin good for diabetes, now it is time to think positive.

When the insulin secretion is low in the body, this will also affect the carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism along. Many studies have shown that there is an oxidative stress caused due to the metabolic disorder. So, providing antioxidants is considered as a therapeutic approach in curing diabetes. Since pumpkin is a good antioxidant, it good for diabetics.

Folic Acid
Endothelial dysfunction will occur in patients having diabetes; this will reduce the level of nitric oxide content in the body. Folic acid can help reverse this process and enable nitric acid in the body in endothelial functioning. The pumpkin is rich in folic acid making it notable that pumpkin benefits in diabetes.

In High Quantities
Is pumpkin good for diabetics? Yes, it certainly is very good for a diabetic patient for the above mentioned reasons. But, anything in large quantities can be bad. Pumpkin seeds have said to cause indigestion when consumed in large quantities. There are reported cases of allergy as well.

Diabetic patients are recommended to include pumpkin in moderate amounts in your daily diet to reap its benefits for better.

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